If this were my last time talking to you, I know
We’d get together and laugh all day.
You would tell me your tales and I’d tell you mine.
And we might reminisce about when this
Happened and that was said and…
“Child, Grandmama just don’t know.”
But mostly we would laugh.
We were good philosophers together.
Your greatest thoughts were always adorned with the beauty of truthfulness.
You may have known, but I don’t remember telling you
That my afternoons with you were the
Sweetest afternoons of my life.
I became wise sitting at your feet, experiencing
The color of your life, benefiting from the pain and
Struggle you climbed over and through.
And you may have known, but I don’t remember
Telling you that I always thought you just so
In awe of the ability you possessed to laugh and
Cry and set somebody straight and pray and just
Be quiet with your mind – all in one day.
I always thought you just so beautiful because
You were the most real person I had ever known.
And in my day-to-day routine I find myself
Repeating your words and carrying your strength;
Knowing that if you could walk through fire
Then so can I.
And if you came out alright,
Then so will I.
If this were my last time talking to you, I know
We’d get together and laugh all day. But how could there ever be an end to our conversations,
When you’re in my heart?
So we’ll just keep
Remembering that,
And laughing,
All day.